It would have been very easy to choose my own mother as the woman who has most inspired me as a mother, which is true. But there is someone else that I have observed for many years and have witnessed, first hand her successes/blessings. I choose Julie. I first met Julie as the General Counsel for the agency I work for. She is hard-working, intelligent and completely opposite of me; she was about business first (NOT ME AT ALL). Julie graduated from college and completed law school. She is a native Washingtonian, an activist, and an advocate. For me, Julie’s testimony is the rearing of her three children, while attending college, law school and working, who I am blessed and honored to know as well. They are all college educated. One is a Directing Manager for a large District agency, another ran for a District political office, the other, a gifted artist.
Julie serves as my inspiration because of the fruit she bore. Her eldest son said it best, “My mother is a very smart, stern and direct person, but also caring and loving at the same time. She proves that a mother can raise and rear a boy to become a man. In hindsight, her 'tough love' was the most important thing she could have done for me, and her sacrifices are evident in my successes today."
I recognize you, Julie, for being an inspiration and role model for those of us who have the honor of knowing, observing, and witnessing you as a mother.